The Science Behind Breathing - O2Trainer -

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December 29, 2019 2 min read


The o2trainer activates your diaphragm and your external intercostal muscles, which are the muscles in between your ribs, these include the ribs on your back. These muscles are responsible for filling your lungs with air. 

Your lungs are just two bags, they don’t have any muscles in them. This is how it works:  when you expand your lower ribcage and core, it creates a vacuum between your body and your lungs and your lungs open up and fill with air.

By working out your inhale muscles – the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles, you will be able to expand your chest better and faster

 Exhaling is done by your abs, obliques and internal intercostal muscles.

 The average human being has about 11 pounds of “breathing muscles”, muscles you can’t work out when you are doing your sport, you have to train them separately with a device specifically designed to create resistance. The O2trainer does exactly this. 

 The heaviness in your limbs, that feeling of “gassing”, means the 11 pounds of breathing muscles are actually “blood stealing” (a medical term) taking oxygenated blood for themselves. Sometimes this just feels like an inexplicable feeling of fatigue, and when you recover later you just feel frustrated and confused why you couldn’t catch your breath.

 Like any other muscle in your body, if you work them out, they get stronger and require less oxygen. How will this show up? Your “cardio” and conditioning will get better. Research calls it “delaying fatigue”, which translates into your being able to work out harder and longer.

The O2trainer pinpoints the most important breathing muscles, the biggest strongest ones, it makes sure that your diaphragm is getting a workout, remember your diaphragm is a skirt steak the size of a frisbee – and is responsible both for your breathing and balance. 

Will this impact the speed of your recovery? But you have to make sure you are really using your diaphragm; 95 percent of people are not using it optimally! One diaphragmatic breath is equal to 4-6 chest breaths. Think about taking three breaths to recover rather than 12. 

Take a belly breath and then also expand lower ribcage. Your diaphragm can lower up to 9.2 cm – think of all the space that is created inside your chest for air. In addition, working these muscles, hard (not with breath counts or yoga), means that point you usually fatigue comes much later, and that is what you want.

Please go to there you can find out what your “breathing IQ” is before you start working out with the o2trainer, this way you can compare a month later. Doctor Belisa Vranich ( ) gave me an A+ Breathing IQ which was "181".