O2 LungTrainer: Building Stronger Lungs (breathing muscles) for Improv - O2Trainer - O2Trainer.com

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May 13, 2019 2 min read

 Bas Rutten, UFC Hall of Famer and on-screen personality ,developed the O2Trainer which uses resistance to build your breathing muscles around the lungs. (Those muscles open your lungs, your lungs have no muscle, they are just two bags)

This simple yet effective device trains the Inspiratory Muscles , improves physical performance, endurance, helps with anxiety, PTSD, back problems, balance, sleep problems, and more. The O2 LungTrainer allows a user to choose a setting during a workout or conditioning activity. Or when just sitting down practicing the breathing exercises which you can find on this page under "How to use". We highly recommend doing the breathing exercises!

The device looks super simple!

“But,” warns Rutten, “don’t let the simplicity fool you!” The O2 Lung Trainer  “works wonders.” By controlling air intake, the O2 LungTrainer immediately teaches people the correct way to breathe—using the diaphragm. The smaller the intake hole, the harder your breathing muscles need to work to “pull” the air in.  

“This product is very personal to me,” says Bas Rutten. “I had asthma as a boy, and I remember how hard it was just to catch my breath.” Rutten grew up in the Netherlands  participating in track-and-field . However, throughout his childhood, Bas suffered severe asthma and was  often bedridden for days because he could not get enough air into his lungs.

Young Bas noticed that when he returned to track-and-field after an asthma  attack, he would often beat his own records. He also noticed a drawing of a set  of lungs at his doctor’s office, which helped him see why having to work hard to  draw a breath would lead to stronger performance ability. “It was at that time,”  says Rutten, “as a sick boy of about 14 years old, that I first thought of the  O2 LungTrainer.

“I am extremely excited about the O2 LungTrainer for several reasons,” says  Dr. Frank B. Wyatt, Professor of Physiology & Athletic Training at Midwestern State University in Wichita  Falls, KS. “It makes one work harder to move air into and out of the lungs, so ventilatory muscles (i.e., diaphragm, intercostal) function  is enhanced. This is very positive, since ventilator fatigue has been shown to influence performance

Used by Rutten, his colleagues, and his trainees in the military’s Elite Special  Forces, the O2 Trainer was initially designed with athletes in mind.  However, people from all walks of life are now using it. Musicians who play  woodwinds or horns benefit from the O2 Trainer, as well as mountain  climbers, scuba divers, singers, and anyone else who just wants to live healthy  and enjoy life to its fullest.

 The simple, carefully engineered O2 LungTrainer rests comfortably  in the mouth, providing air intake resistance designed to build optimal  endurance and performance.