It Is Never Too Late To Try The O2 Trainer! - O2Trainer -

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It Is Never Too Late To Try The O2 Trainer!

December 08, 2018 3 min read

Getting exercise to stay healthy is commonly known. If you are active you can boost your stamina, shed pounds, stay young and profit in all kinds of ways.

BUT, it can be hard to get going or even stick with a workout routine. For some it is an almost impossible task to get off of the couch and do something, for others it is hard to get back into the game. Our own Bas Rutten is no exception. BUT, he did it. And he is feeling great. He gets fitter every day and he is going to share is workout routine with everybody. This post will cover the hard beginning of getting back into a workout routine. In the upcoming weeks, we will update you on his progress. But lets take a look at what Bas has to say:

“OK, so I started running a month ago or so, did some traveling in between but restarted 10 days ago. I used to do 10 min warm up at 11Mph, then stretching, and then I put the incline all the way up, 9 Mph, jump on for 45 seconds, off for 30 seconds. 10 rounds, after that 5 minute run at 7 mph or so But that was in my prime, I didn’t run for 6 years because I thought my knees couldn’t do that, and I was right, but I found out I CAN do incline sprints.

Just not on a real hill since going down is hurting too much, but on a treadmill it’s possible. First week was horrible. Haha, walk for 5 minutes, 4mph, incline at 10%, walk, stretch, walk, stretch. Then I started with 7 mph, incline at 10%. 1 X30 seconds, 4 times 25, and the rest 20 sec. Yeah, bad! 30 sec means 30 sec rest, 25 second run means 35 seconds rest, 20 seconds run means 40 seconds rest. But I figured to not start pushing too hard since I didn’t train for 7 years, yeah, maybe 35 times in total, 2 weeks, here, 4 weeks there, that’s about it, every time my injuries started and I had to stop.

But today it was much better, after the warm up I did 6 times 30 seconds with the o2trainer, 4 more times without, and 5 runs of 25 seconds. I do this now at 7.8 Mph and the incline at 12.5%. (Not all the way as I say in the video) Last 4 minutes I keep the incline, walk at 4Mph, last minute 6 Mph with the o2trainer.

When I keep going I think in a month I will be at 8.5 Mph, incline al the way up, all 30 seconds sprints. Once there I start increasing time and decreasing rest and I will increase the amount of runs to 20. Slowly but surely I will be getting back there. I feel like a million bucks right now, walking stairs I don’t even notice. No more inhaler for asthma because of the o2trainer, sleep better and my heart rate is back to under a 60 BPM in rest, which was at 85 BPM AND it skipped beats! And this is just after 1 month!

Every week I ad a few 30 seconds sprints and I go 0.1 mph faster, I am 48 years old I realized, should take it easy. Hopefully 3 months from now I am back to what I used to do and when not, I don’t really care because I feel great and don’t have to fight anymore I will do this 4 times a week, and now I started also to do my workout again. Problem is, I can’t punch, so I do it with upper body rotations.

I came up with a new invention, will share that when it’s ready but it will increase your power with kicks and punches. I use 10 lbs ankle weights in the workout and KNEE, NOT kick. Will keep you guys updated! Oh, and I was right with my arm/shoulder problem, they realized I probably have “branchia plexus”, those symptoms are EXACTLY what I have been telling them for 8 months. If anybody here had this problem as well and has a remedy, I am all ears. Godspeed!”